Please Note: Integrative Animal Health Center will be closed this Sat 2/15.

Pet Hydrotherapy

We are very proud to announce that our new state-of-the-art Hydrotherapy facility is NOW OPEN and booking appointments!

Pet Hydrotherapy service image

How can hydrotherapy help?

Hydro Therapy, in conjunction with veterinary treatment, can significantly improve the quality and rate of healing following surgery or traumatic injury in dogs who suffer from degenerative joint disease and those who have been paralyzed.

hydrotherapy image<br />

Hydrotherapy can help dogs suffering from:

  • Fractures
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Neurological disorders
  • Arthritis/Aging

It uses the properties of water —

buoyancy, viscosity, resistance, and hydrostatic pressure — to enable a dog to move her joints. Water makes the body buoyant, so when submerged, the weight of the body is supported. This means the dog is not fighting gravity. The buoyancy of water reduces stress on the joints, and this creates a much safer environment for recovery after surgery.

  • Simultaneously, aqua therapy stimulates, strengthens, and relaxes the body. Aqua therapy may also improve balance and coordination, and increase overall energy levels, all while reducing pain and stress.
  • A great form of low-impact exercise, regular walks on the underwater treadmill or swimming in a pool can help promote weight loss and general fitness in dogs

Hydrotherapy has therapeutic effects on body tissue

  • Relief of pain, swelling & stiffness
  • Muscle strengthening & maintenance
  • Alleviating muscle spasm
  • Increased range of motion in joints
  • Improved circulation
  • Cardiovascular fitness
  • Increased tissue healing
  • Increased speed of recovery
  • Gait modification
  • Increased proprioception

Additional benefits of hydrotherapy:

  • Water increases circulation, which is ideal for skin and coat.
  • Water can increase lymph drainage, rid the body of toxins, and improve the immune system.
  • Water can encourage better digestion and can promote balance and coordination.
  • Hydro Therapy can also help dogs who need to shed a few pounds.